Scope of freedom

Scope of freedom

My novels show women who leave the path of conformity to be independent and free. The current political developments prove the relevance of my writing.

Gender and diversity

Gender and diversity

Accepting a variety of sexual identities is the essence of a free society. For more than 30 years I have been fighting for realizing this concept as an author. I write about people who successfully break through role cliches.

Desire and sex

Desire and sex

“For me sexual desire and the desire to create literature are the same. It’s the wish to to minimize the distance to a beloved person, to the reader or to life itself.

Utopia Dystopia Democracy

Utopia Dystopia Democracy

We are living in a society defined by unrest, anxiety and crisis, striving to keep democracy alive. An essential step to resist dystopian tendencies is to ride the autobiography of femaleness.

About Karin

About Karin

Karin Rick has been writing about love, relationships and erotic encounters beyond taboo and cliché for many years.
More about Karin